If there’s one thing product designers have in common, it’s a commitment to push the boundaries of realism. Beginning at concept design, their goal is to create models that look, feel and act as close to the finished product as possible. True-to-life prototypes empower teams to make better, more accurate decisions. That’s why so many are tapping into the power of 3D printing. But product realism is much more than fast and accurate 3D printers. At its foundation are materials that enable full-color, multi-textural models. And our new VeroUltraClear™ offering is the perfect example. The material makes it possible to create high clarity and finely detailed models similar in appearance to glass. That’s critical for designers to visualize internal model features and create concepts to verify design of clear parts. Introduced in October for Stratasys J850 users, VeroUltraClear is now available for Stratasys J735 and J750 customers as well. Built specifically for prototyping applications, VeroUltraClear can simulate acrylic, achieving 86% of light transmission of that material – perfectly suited for prototypes of glass, clear polymers, or transparent packaging. That’s 11% clearer than original VeroClear material and nearly as transparent as glass at 90% light transmission. The transparent PolyJet digital material offers designers exceptional clarity alongside strength, stiffness and impact resistance. *VeroUltraClear vs. the top 3 competitors on the market. This chart shows Stratasys’ superior optical properties on a 6mm (polished) sample cubes after varying lengths of photobleaching. Data was achieved on a X-Rite Analyzer which measures green to red(a) tint, blue to yellow(b) tint, lightness on a scale of 0 to 100(L) and transmittance percentage. Photobleaching cells were equipped with a LED 100W 6500 K lamp.
The J750 3D Printer continues to help companies around the world streamline design processes, boost innovation and get products to market faster. The incorporation of VeroUltraClear now extends the power of the J750, helping users design, model and create better and more accurately than ever before – whether it’s prototypes for eyewear, lighting components or glass replicas. Ready to inject new levels of 3D printed realism into your design and modeling process? Time to see things more clearly.Learn more about VeroClear.